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Challenged with customers perception that wireless solutions for business was simply a device, Sandra and her team partnered with the TELUS wireless product marketing team to come up with a solution that could educate customers and prospects about how wireless could enable various businesses. The TELUS Wireless Solution Roadmap (nicknamed WSR) was born. An online experience deliberately designed to pique users’ interest and using that engagement as an opportunity to teach them about how other businesses are using integrated wireless solutions to get more business value.

As users participated in the assessment, the responses were collected in a database for future analysis. In partnership with IDC Canada an analysis was completed and a report was published called Mobility_Solutions_Drive_Business_Value. Several other papers were also published based on this research.

The assessment was featured on a technology television show called “Get Connected

The Marketing Leadership Council part of the Corporate Executive Board subsequently reviewed the application and incorporated it as a best practice example within their “Differentiating the Purchase Experience” material.

The case study for the Wireless Solution Roadmap that includes results is located below.

online teaching escalator